Jul 18, 2024, 5:15 PM
Jul 18, 2024, 5:15 PM

Democratic Group to Disclose Donors Following Tax Proposal Violation Settlement

  • A group that financially supported a failed tax proposal backed by Colorado's Governor Jared Polis will soon disclose its donors.
  • This move has drawn attention as the proposal was aimed at generating significant revenue.
  • Disclosure of dark money donors is seen as a step towards greater transparency in electoral financing.

Boldly Forward Colorado, a Democratic group that financially backed a failed tax proposal supported by Governor Jared Polis, has agreed to disclose its donors and pay a fine for violating campaign finance laws. The group, classified as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, will pay over $18,000 and submit a list of contributors after state investigators determined its spending exceeded legal thresholds for such organizations. In 2023, Boldly Forward Colorado spent $350,000 supporting Proposition HH, which required it to register as an issue committee and publicly disclose its fundraising activities. Jack Todd, a spokesman for Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, emphasized the importance of transparency in campaign finance, stating that this case exemplifies the department's commitment to ensuring that issue committees disclose their donors. The settlement marks the largest obtained under current state statutes, highlighting ongoing concerns about dark money groups and their influence on political spending. The Sixteen Thirty Fund, another significant supporter of the failed proposition, is linked to a broader network of dark money operations targeting House Republicans. Critics, including Jeff Clements of American Promise, argue that such tactics contribute to voter disillusionment with a political system perceived as dominated by wealthy elites and disconnected from constituents' concerns. While Boldly Forward Colorado lists its donors on its website, it does not disclose the amounts contributed. A spokeswoman for the group stated they believed they were compliant with filing requirements and are now cooperating with the Secretary of State to address the issue following a complaint from the conservative Public Trust Institute.


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