Sep 9, 2024, 6:00 AM
Sep 9, 2024, 6:00 AM

Emerge Supports Kamala Harris in 2003 to Transform Politics

  • Emerge provides training and resources to women aspiring to run for office, emphasizing the importance of a supportive network.
  • The organization encourages women to see themselves as candidates and helps them identify their motivations for running.
  • Emerge aims to change the narrative around women in politics and continues to support the rise of female leaders.

Emerge, an organization dedicated to supporting women in politics, has been instrumental in the success of female candidates, including Kamala Harris. A'shanti Gholar, the president of Emerge since 2020, emphasizes the ongoing need for women to enter political office, highlighting the importance of a supportive network during campaigns. Emerge provides essential training and resources, helping women understand the intricacies of running for office, from canvassing to ballot placement. The organization aims to empower women by instilling a mindset of candidacy from the very beginning of their training. Participants are encouraged to identify their motivations for running and to see themselves as future leaders. Many alumni credit Emerge with their electoral success, noting that the training helped them navigate the complexities of campaigning. Emerge also addresses the unique challenges women face in politics, including media narratives that often portray women candidates differently than their male counterparts. The organization advocates for a more equitable representation of women in political races, challenging the notion that multiple women cannot run for the same position. As women like Kamala Harris continue to rise in political prominence, Emerge remains committed to its mission of transforming the political landscape by equipping women with the skills and confidence needed to succeed. The organization’s work is ongoing, as there are still many qualified women who need support to achieve their political aspirations.


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