Aug 13, 2024, 9:30 PM
Aug 13, 2024, 9:30 PM

Germany Keeps Border Controls with Czech Republic

  • Germany continues border controls with the Czech Republic to limit illegal migration.
  • Controls were initially started with Austria in 2015 and expanded to other neighboring countries.
  • These measures will remain in place for as long as necessary, as stated by Faeser.

Berlin – German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced that border controls with the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, and Switzerland will remain in effect as long as necessary, potentially extending beyond the planned end date of December 15. Faeser emphasized the effectiveness of these controls in combating smuggling and illegal migration, which have been in place since 2015 with Austria and expanded to other borders last fall. The continuation of these measures is expected until a new European Union asylum system is implemented, anticipated to be operational by 2026. Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann echoed Faeser’s sentiments, asserting that stationary border controls are essential for national security. However, the decision has sparked controversy, particularly from the Green Party, which has publicly criticized the internal border measures. They argue that these controls violate the Schengen Border Code and impose undue burdens on local communities and law enforcement. In an open letter to the European Commission, Green Party politicians highlighted the negative impact of border controls on people and businesses in border regions. They contend that the measures have not achieved their intended goals, citing a recent report that questions the statistical validity of claims regarding the success of these controls. As the debate continues, the German government faces pressure to balance security concerns with adherence to European agreements and the economic implications for border communities. The future of these controls remains uncertain as discussions about migration policy evolve within the EU.


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