Jul 24, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jul 24, 2024, 12:00 AM

Ancient Roman Villa Mosaic Discovered Underwater Near Naples

  • An ancient Roman mosaic has been discovered on the seabed off the coast of Naples.
  • The mosaic is believed to be from the floor of a villa from the Roman era.
  • This finding adds to the rich historical discoveries around the region, showcasing Naples' significance in ancient history.

A remarkable discovery has been made off the coast of Naples, where a mosaic from the floor of an ancient Roman villa has been uncovered on the seabed. This marble floor, originally part of the “protiro” or decorated porch of a villa in the ancient spa town of Baiae, is now submerged due to a geological phenomenon known as bradyseism, which causes the ground to shift. The villa, once a luxurious residence for notable figures like Julius Caesar and Emperor Nero, is a testament to the region's rich history during the late Roman Empire. Preliminary research indicates that the mosaic is composed of irregularly shaped pieces of reused marble, a common practice from the 3rd to the 5th century CE. The floor has suffered damage, with the walls of the room, which stood over 10 meters high, collapsing onto it. Archaeologists are actively working to uncover and restore the remaining sections of the floor, with some pieces already removed for cleaning and study. Local officials, including Mayor Josi Gerardo Della Ragione, have expressed excitement over the find, describing it as “stupendous.” The mosaic is believed to have been laid shortly before the area was submerged, providing a glimpse into the opulence of Roman life before geological events altered the landscape. The Campi Flegrei region, known for its volcanic activity, has seen increased seismic activity since December 2022, raising concerns about the potential reawakening of the volcanoes that lie beneath the bay. This area, now a popular diving destination, offers a unique opportunity to explore the submerged ruins of a once-thriving civilization.


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