Aug 7, 2024, 5:31 PM
Aug 7, 2024, 5:31 PM

Man arrested for threatening Justice Barrett and AG Garland

  • A man involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot is now in custody for making threats against Justice Barrett and AG Garland.
  • The man was awaiting trial for charges related to the riot before being arrested for his threatening statements.
  • The incident highlights the ongoing security concerns and threats faced by public officials.

A Nevada man, Bradley Nelson, who is awaiting trial for his alleged involvement in the January 6 Capitol riot, was taken into custody this week following a series of threatening statements directed at public officials, including Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett and Attorney General Merrick Garland. Prosecutors filed a motion to revoke Nelson's bail after he made alarming social media posts, including one depicting Garland with crosshairs over his head, just two days before the bail revocation request. Court records reveal that Nelson's threats escalated after the Supreme Court's ruling in Fischer v. United States, which affected the legal standing of many January 6 participants. Following the decision, Nelson allegedly posted a violent message aimed at Justice Barrett, expressing a desire for her harm. Additional posts included images of other officials, such as Judge Scott McAfee and New York Attorney General Letitia James, also marked with crosshairs, further alarming prosecutors. A federal judge in Maryland ordered Nelson's detention, citing the severity of his statements and recent comments about FBI agents involved in his case. Although Nelson did not dispute the content of his posts, he argued they did not constitute threats, a claim the judge found unconvincing. The decision on whether Nelson will remain in custody now rests with Judge John Bates of the D.C. district court, as he prepares for trial in December on multiple charges related to the Capitol riot.


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