Sep 2, 2024, 8:16 PM
Sep 2, 2024, 8:16 PM

Lafayette University Rescinds Gun-Free Zone in Downtown Museum

  • Lafayette University rescinded the 'gun-free zone' designation for the Science Museum after a letter from Gun Owners of America.
  • The museum is not owned by the university, and the designation had inadvertently affected a large area of downtown Lafayette.
  • The university's actions highlight the ongoing debate over Second Amendment rights and the enforcement of firearm regulations.

Lafayette University officials rescinded the designation of the Lafayette Science Museum as a 'gun-free zone' after receiving a letter from Gun Owners of America (GOA). The letter highlighted that the museum is not owned by the university and therefore does not fall under the university's firearm restrictions. The designation had effectively turned a large area of downtown Lafayette into a gun-free zone, impacting nearby hotels used by students. The attorney representing GOA, Joshua Barnhill, argued that the university's designation was based on a misunderstanding of the museum's status. He pointed out that the museum is operated under a lease and is not part of the university's campus. Furthermore, the state attorney general had previously declared that the museum does not qualify as a firearm-free zone under state law. Barnhill's letter demanded a response within five days, threatening legal action if the designation was not rescinded. The university officials expressed concern over the short timeframe but ultimately complied with the request. On August 28, they removed the 'Safe School Zone' signs from the museum and nearby hotels, acknowledging that these facilities are not owned by the university. However, the university replaced the signs with 'Weapons-Free Facility' signage, which prohibits firearms within the museum but does not extend the gun-free designation to the surrounding area. This situation reflects ongoing tensions regarding Second Amendment rights and the university's stance on firearm regulations.


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