Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM

Mediators Push for Cease-Fire Summit Amid Tensions Over Gaza Border Presence

  • Israel is pushing for border presence in Gaza cease-fire discussions.
  • Truce mediators, including the C.I.A. director and President Biden's envoy, plan a summit to advance talks.
  • Efforts aim to sustain peace negotiations in a critical region.

Mediators are set to advance plans for a summit next week aimed at establishing a cease-fire agreement in Gaza, according to Israeli officials. This development follows discussions among Israeli security chiefs regarding the potential for an Israeli military presence along the Gaza-Egypt border post-conflict. The presence of Israeli troops has become a significant point of contention in ongoing negotiations between Israel and Hamas, which have been facilitated by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States. Hamas has firmly opposed any Israeli military presence in the border region, insisting that a cease-fire must include Israel's complete withdrawal from Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has countered this stance, citing concerns over the Philadelphi Corridor, a network of tunnels that has been instrumental in smuggling weapons into Gaza. Netanyahu argues that relinquishing control over this area would enable Hamas to quickly rearm, exacerbating security risks for Israel. Egypt, as a neighboring country and a key mediator in the cease-fire discussions, plays a crucial role in the negotiations. The Egyptian government has reportedly taken significant measures to dismantle smuggling tunnels and curb illicit activities along its border with Gaza. In a bid to facilitate a resolution, U.S. President Joe Biden engaged in discussions with both Qatar’s emir and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi on Friday, seeking a viable framework for a cease-fire agreement that addresses the concerns of all parties involved.


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