Aug 21, 2024, 7:34 PM
Aug 21, 2024, 7:34 PM

Mississippi Reports Lowest Life Expectancy in the U.S

  • US life expectancy hits lowest level since 1996.
  • Now lower than countries like China, Colombia, and Estonia.
  • Raises concerns about healthcare and lifestyle in the US.

According to new data released by the CDC, Mississippi has the lowest life expectancy in the United States, with residents living an average of just 70.9 years. Other states with similarly low life expectancies include West Virginia at 71 years and Alabama at 72 years, which are notably lower than some regions in the war-torn Middle East. In contrast, Hawaii ranks highest, with an average life expectancy of nearly 80 years. The report, which estimates life expectancy for babies born in 2021, highlights several factors contributing to the disparities in life expectancy across states. Experts suggest that the South's lack of social protections compared to the North makes healthcare access more challenging. Additionally, higher obesity rates and increased gun ownership in Southern states, along with the closure of rural hospitals due to depopulation, further exacerbate health issues. The data also reveals a concerning trend, as nearly every state experienced a decline in life expectancy between 2020 and 2021, with 39 out of 50 states reporting decreases. Alaska saw the most significant drop at 2.1 percent, followed closely by West Virginia and New Mexico. The COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in approximately 460,000 deaths in 2021, along with a surge in opioid-related fatalities—totaling 106,700 deaths—has significantly impacted overall life expectancy in the U.S. As the nation grapples with these health crises, the stark differences in life expectancy across states underscore the urgent need for improved healthcare access and public health initiatives, particularly in the South.


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