Aug 14, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 14, 2024, 12:00 AM

Diego Maradona Snubbed from List

  • Diego Maradona was excluded from a list of outstanding 'lefties' from sports and the arts by the Argentine president's spokesman.
  • This decision drew criticism from relatives and former footballers.
  • The snub caused controversy and backlash in the sports community.

The far-right government of Javier Milei has intensified its antagonism towards leftist figures, a sentiment echoed by Manuel Adorni, the spokesman for the Casa Rosada. During a recent press conference, Adorni acknowledged International Left Handers Day by celebrating prominent Argentine figures such as Lionel Messi and Emanuel Ginóbili, labeling them as “great lefties.” However, his remarks carried an ironic undertone, suggesting that those with leftist affiliations do not contribute to Argentina's greatness. This comment drew immediate attention, particularly when a journalist pointed out the omission of Diego Maradona, a legendary figure in Argentine football. Adorni's feigned ignorance of Maradona, responding with “Who?” when the name was mentioned, has ignited backlash from the Maradona family and the sports community. Dalma Maradona, the late player's daughter, criticized Adorni's comments as a poor attempt at humor, asserting that Maradona's legacy is integral to Argentina's identity. Gianinna Maradona also took to social media, sharing a photo of Adorni with a caption that disparaged his remarks, further emphasizing the widespread discontent. Former soccer players have rallied in defense of Maradona, with Juan Sebastián Verón and Héctor Enrique expressing their respect for the football icon. Verón highlighted the importance of acknowledging Maradona's contributions, regardless of personal opinions about his life off the field. The controversy underscores the ongoing cultural and political tensions in Argentina, particularly regarding the legacy of its sports heroes and the current government's stance on leftist ideologies.


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