Aug 22, 2024, 10:27 PM
Aug 22, 2024, 10:08 AM

Hungary offers free tickets to Brussels for migrants

  • Hungary's anti-immigration government announces offering free tickets to Brussels for migrants.
  • The tickets are one-way and aimed at migrants and asylum seekers trying to enter the European Union.
  • The move raises questions about Hungary's immigration policies and relations with the EU.

— In a bold response to recent fines imposed by the European Union, Hungary's government announced plans to offer free one-way tickets to Brussels for migrants and asylum seekers. Gergely Gulyás, chief of staff to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, criticized a June ruling by the European Court of Justice that mandated Hungary pay 200 million euros for violating EU asylum rules, along with an additional daily fine of 1 million euros until compliance is achieved. Gulyás accused the EU of attempting to coerce Hungary into accepting migrants, stating, “Brussels wants to force us at any cost to let migrants in.” He emphasized that if the EU continues to impose regulations that hinder Hungary's ability to detain migrants at its borders, the government would facilitate their transport to Brussels at no cost. This stance reflects Hungary's long-standing opposition to immigration, particularly following the 2015 migrant crisis. Since that crisis, Hungary has implemented strict border controls, including the construction of razor-wire fences along its southern borders and the establishment of transit zones for asylum seekers, which have since been closed. The EU has criticized Hungary's asylum policies, particularly the requirement for asylum seekers to apply for permits at embassies in neighboring countries, which contravenes EU regulations for common asylum procedures. Despite the EU's legal actions, Orbán has remained steadfast in his commitment to Hungary's current migration policies, asserting that the country will not alter its approach in light of EU rulings. Gulyás concluded by reiterating Hungary's position, stating, “If Brussels wants migrants, then it can have them.”


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