Jul 19, 2024, 10:42 AM
Jul 19, 2024, 10:42 AM

Younous Omarjee Elected Vice-President of European Parliament, Advocates for Peripheral Regions

  • Younous Omarjee, a diverse MEP from an outermost region, elected as Vice-President of the European Parliament.
  • He aims to protect cohesion funds and represent the voice of peripheral areas in European institutions.
  • His election marks a significant step towards inclusivity and diversity in EU politics.

On July 16, Younous Omarjee, a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from the GUE/NGL group, was elected as vice-president of the European Parliament, marking a historic achievement as the first racially diverse MEP from an outermost region. Omarjee, who has represented Réunion Island since 2012, secured his position in the second round of voting with 311 out of 609 votes. A prominent figure on the French left, he has been a supporter of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and aims to amplify the voices of peripheral areas within European institutions. In an interview with Euractiv, Omarjee expressed his commitment to working with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, despite their differing political views. He highlighted his successful advocacy for a "Pact for the Oceans," which von der Leyen has promised to implement in the upcoming term. This initiative is expected to be announced soon, reflecting Omarjee's focus on environmental issues alongside regional development. Omarjee is also prioritizing the defense of cohesion funds, which are crucial for the EU's most disadvantaged regions. He warns against potential budget cuts that could undermine the coherence of European policies. With cohesion policy accounting for a significant portion of the EU budget, he emphasizes the need for solidarity among member states to address developmental disparities. His election signifies France's return to the vice-presidency of the European Parliament after Sylvie Guillaume's departure in 2019 and represents a moment of pride for citizens of France's overseas territories. Omarjee's leadership is expected to bring renewed attention to the needs of these regions within the broader European framework.


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