Sep 18, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 18, 2024, 12:00 AM

Todd McMurtry"s Tips for Handling Media Slander in 2023

  • Todd McMurtry became involved in defamation law after the media's portrayal of Nick Sandmann during a 2019 incident.
  • Sandmann sued several major news outlets, achieving settlements with CNN and The Washington Post, but faced a dismissal from a Kentucky judge for the remaining cases.
  • McMurtry's book provides guidance on handling media slander and emphasizes the need for preparedness against cancel culture.

Todd McMurtry, a lawyer who previously focused on business disputes, became involved in defamation law after the media's portrayal of Nick Sandmann, a Covington Catholic High School student, during a 2019 incident at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. Sandmann was depicted as disrespectful towards Native American Nathan Phillips, leading to significant media backlash. McMurtry took on Sandmann's case, which he described as a 'baptism by fire,' and helped him sue several major news outlets, resulting in settlements from CNN and The Washington Post. Despite these settlements, a Kentucky trial judge dismissed Sandmann's case against five remaining defendants, ruling that their statements were opinions. This dismissal was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. The legal landscape for defamation cases in the U.S. is shaped by the precedent set in New York Times v. Sullivan, which requires plaintiffs to prove 'actual malice' in defamation claims, a standard that many argue protects journalistic freedom. In contrast, McMurtry points out that the United Kingdom operates under a different defamation standard, which he believes could lead to more responsible reporting in the U.S. He emphasizes the importance of being prepared for potential cancel culture incidents, especially for individuals with traditional values. His book, 'Dismissed: How Media Agendas and Judicial Bias Conspire to Undermine Justice,' serves as a guide for those facing media slander, offering practical advice on how to respond to false narratives and protect one's reputation.


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