Sep 15, 2024, 5:00 AM
Sep 15, 2024, 5:00 AM

scientists discover first dog-fox hybrid in brazil

  • In 2021, a unique animal was discovered in Brazil after being hit by a car, leading to genetic testing.
  • The tests revealed it was a hybrid between a pampas fox and a domestic dog, named dogxim, with 76 chromosomes.
  • This discovery is significant as it marks the first known instance of a dog-fox hybrid, expanding the understanding of interbreeding.

In 2021, a unique animal was discovered in Brazil after being hit by a car. Initially, veterinarians at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul were puzzled by its identity, unable to determine if it was a dog or a fox. Genetic testing later revealed that the creature was a hybrid, known as a dogxim, possessing traits from both species. This animal had 76 chromosomes, a mix of those found in dogs and foxes, indicating a cross between a pampas fox mother and an unknown breed of domestic dog father. The dogxim exhibited a blend of behaviors typical of both domesticated and wild animals. While it had a bark similar to that of a dog and enjoyed playing with toys, it also displayed a preference for hunting live rodents and was initially wary of human interaction. Over time, as it received treatment, the animal became more comfortable around people, showcasing a shy yet curious personality. Despite being neutered during its care, scientists speculated that the dogxim could have reproduced, suggesting the possibility of more dog-fox hybrids existing in the wild. This discovery is significant as it marks the first known instance of a dog-fox hybrid, expanding the understanding of interbreeding between domestic dogs and wild canids. The dogxim's death earlier this year from unknown causes has raised awareness about the potential for hybridization in the wild, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts for both domestic and wild species. The findings from this case may lead to further research into the interactions between domesticated animals and their wild counterparts.


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