Aug 24, 2024, 10:03 AM
Aug 22, 2024, 8:07 PM

Escaped Prisoner Sentenced for Bomb Plot Inspired by Netflix Documentary

  • Alan Murphy planned an attack on a HSBC bank in Blackpool.
  • The plan was influenced by watching the Netflix documentary Dirty Money: Cartel Bank.
  • The prisoner intended to blow up the bank after escaping.

An escaped prisoner, identified as Murphy, was sentenced to 15 years in prison at Liverpool Crown Court for planning to detonate a nail bomb at a bank. Judge Neil Flewitt KC deemed Murphy a dangerous offender, necessitating an extended licence period of five years for public safety. Murphy had been unlawfully at large since November 2020, living in a camper van near a soup kitchen in Blackpool when he was apprehended. During a police inquiry, officers discovered a nail bomb, two imitation firearms, and a knife in Murphy's possession. The prosecution characterized the explosive device as a nail bomb, while the firearms included a BB gun painted black and a homemade shotgun. Despite being acquitted earlier of possessing the explosive with intent to endanger life, the court heard that Murphy had expressed intentions to damage the Blackpool branch of HSBC as a form of protest against the bank's alleged misconduct, as inspired by a Netflix documentary. Murphy claimed he did not intend to harm anyone but sought to draw media attention to his grievances, hoping to instigate a change in HSBC's policies. However, Judge Flewitt emphasized the potential danger of Murphy's actions, stating that had the plan been executed, it could have endangered the lives of individuals in the vicinity of the explosion. The court's ruling reflects a commitment to public safety in light of Murphy's dangerous intentions.


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