Aug 10, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 10, 2024, 12:00 AM

Nate Holden Says He Was with Trump in Helicopter Emergency

  • Former Los Angeles city councilman Nate Holden claims he was aboard a helicopter with Donald Trump during an emergency landing.
  • This contrasts previous reports suggesting that former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown was the one on the flight.
  • The validity of Holden's assertion is currently in question.

Former Los Angeles city councilman and state senator Nate Holden has come forward to clarify his involvement in a helicopter incident that was recounted by 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. During a recent press conference, Trump claimed that he and former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown shared a harrowing experience in a helicopter that made an emergency landing, during which Brown expressed concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris. However, Holden asserts that he was the one with Trump during the flight, not Brown. Holden, now 95, recounted his past interactions with Trump while they were both involved in efforts to develop the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles during the 1990s. He emphasized that he was present during the helicopter ride, contradicting Trump’s narrative. The incident has drawn attention, particularly as it relates to the political rivalry between Trump and Harris. Current California Governor Gavin Newsom, who was also on the helicopter during a separate flight in 2018, refuted Trump’s claims, stating that the helicopter never made an emergency landing and that all passengers were safe. Meanwhile, Willie Brown, now 90, has publicly denied ever being in a helicopter with Trump, labeling the story as false and reaffirming his support for Harris. Brown quipped that had he experienced such a near-death situation, it would have been widely reported, further casting doubt on Trump’s account. The exchange highlights the ongoing political tensions and the complexities of narratives in the lead-up to the 2024 election.


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