Aug 9, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 9, 2024, 12:00 AM

Governor Tim Walz Criticized for Handling of George Floyd Riots

  • Liz Collin criticizes Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz for his handling of the George Floyd riots.
  • The unrest and chaos during the riots were not effectively quelled by Governor Walz.
  • The situation surrounding the George Floyd riots remains contentious and unresolved.

In a recent appearance on Breitbart News Daily, Liz Collin, producer of the documentary *The Fall of Minneapolis*, criticized Minnesota Governor Tim Walz for his leadership during the George Floyd riots. Collin emphasized that the unrest occurred under Walz's watch, highlighting the importance of accountability in leadership. She expressed relief that the truth about Walz's actions is gaining attention, contrasting it with what she described as a failure of the local press to report accurately on the events. Collin accused Walz of exacerbating the situation rather than calming it, claiming he manipulated the narrative surrounding the riots. She pointed out that he withheld the National Guard for three days, which she believes contributed to the chaos. According to Collin, had Walz been transparent from the beginning, the unrest could have been mitigated. She criticized the media for not adequately covering the complexities of the situation, including the involvement of a diverse group of officers during the incident. The documentary, according to Collin, sheds light on the missteps made by Walz and the broader implications of his decisions. She argued that the narrative surrounding George Floyd's past was misrepresented, suggesting that acknowledging his history could have influenced public perception and response. Collin's remarks reflect a growing sentiment on social media, where many are questioning the official accounts of the events and Walz's role in them. Overall, Collin's commentary underscores a significant critique of Walz's leadership during a pivotal moment in Minnesota's history, suggesting that his actions may have had lasting repercussions on community trust and public safety.


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