Sep 5, 2024, 3:19 PM
Sep 5, 2024, 3:19 PM

Youngkin criticizes Virginia sheriffs for ignoring ICE duties

  • Governor Glenn Youngkin criticized local sheriffs in Virginia for not cooperating with ICE in detaining criminal illegal immigrants.
  • Attorney General Jason Miyares issued a memo stating there are no legal barriers for local law enforcement to work with ICE.
  • The situation highlights a growing tension between state policies and local practices regarding immigration enforcement.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has publicly criticized local sheriffs for their refusal to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) regarding the detention of criminal illegal immigrants. He stated that these local officials are neglecting their responsibilities to protect Virginians and are endangering the safety of the commonwealth. Youngkin's remarks came after a memo from Attorney General Jason Miyares clarified that there are no legal barriers preventing local law enforcement from working with ICE. This statement is significant as it counters the narrative that Virginia operates as a sanctuary state, which some counties have been labeled as by the Center for Immigration Studies. In northern Virginia, sheriffs have been particularly noted for ignoring ICE requests to detain illegal immigrants, which has led to criticism from federal authorities. ICE has expressed that conducting handoffs inside police headquarters is safer for both migrants and officers, as it avoids the dangers of crime-ridden neighborhoods where illegal immigrants may be hiding. The situation has sparked a debate about the responsibilities of local law enforcement in immigration matters. Fairfax County, known for its liberal stance, has been highlighted for its lack of cooperation with ICE, with reports indicating that only a small fraction of illegal migrants sought by ICE were actually turned over. This has raised concerns about the effectiveness of local law enforcement in addressing immigration issues and the potential risks posed to the community. The ongoing tension between state and local authorities regarding immigration enforcement reflects broader national discussions about sanctuary policies and the role of local law enforcement in federal immigration matters. Youngkin's statements and the Attorney General's memo may influence future cooperation between local sheriffs and federal immigration agencies.


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