Jul 29, 2024, 3:34 PM
Jul 29, 2024, 1:08 PM

Diplomatic Tensions Emerge Between Poland and Hungary Over Russia's War in Ukraine

  • Poland and Hungary are experiencing diplomatic tensions due to their conflicting views on Russia's involvement in the Ukraine war.
  • Despite both nations being NATO and EU allies, their different stances highlight significant rifts in their relationship.
  • The situation underscores ongoing challenges within Europe regarding unity against Russian aggression.

A diplomatic rift has surfaced between Poland and Hungary, highlighting the ongoing divisions within Europe regarding responses to Russia's aggression in Ukraine. Poland, alongside Germany and France, stands firmly with Ukraine, while Hungary, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, maintains a notably warmer relationship with the Kremlin. This discord was exacerbated by remarks from Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski, who criticized Orbán's ties to Russia, asserting that Poland no longer engages in business with the country. Historically reliant on Russian energy, Poland has made significant strides to reduce its dependence, particularly following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Bartoszewski emphasized that Poland has ceased importing Russian oil, with current supplies primarily sourced from Saudi Arabia and Norway. Magda Jakubowska, a policy expert, noted that while some residual Russian oil may exist in Poland's reserves, the country does not actively import from Russia anymore, suggesting that any indirect traces would be minimal. Hungary's approach has led to its isolation within the European Union, with top officials boycotting informal meetings hosted by the country, which currently holds the EU's rotating presidency. Bartoszewski remarked on Hungary's position, suggesting that if it does not wish to align with EU standards, it could opt to leave the union. Despite their historical ties, both nations share a common stance against immigration from the Middle East and Africa, as well as concerns over EU sovereignty.


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