Sep 12, 2024, 9:10 AM
Sep 12, 2024, 9:10 AM

Faith Hill’s dental implants break while eating a burger

  • Faith Hill, 25, lost 14 teeth due to a six-year battle with methamphetamine addiction.
  • While eating a veggie burger, her temporary dental implants snapped, creating a shocking sound.
  • She is now set to receive a final set of durable Zirconia teeth after having her implants repaired.

Faith Hill, a 25-year-old woman from St. Louis, Missouri, experienced a shocking incident when her dental implants broke while she was eating a veggie burger. This event occurred after she had undergone a significant dental transformation due to a six-year battle with methamphetamine addiction, which resulted in the loss of 14 teeth. After quitting her addiction in July 2020, she had dental implants placed in June of the following year, as her original teeth were too decayed to be saved. The incident left her stunned, as the sound of the implants snapping was more alarming than the break itself. Faith had been advised to avoid hard foods, but she admitted to not following that advice strictly. Fortunately, the cost of her dental work was covered, and she did not have to pay out of pocket for the repairs. After the break, Faith had her bottom plate fixed within a week without any additional costs. She is now preparing to travel to Texas to finalize the design for her permanent set of teeth, which will be made of Zirconia, a material known for its durability compared to the temporary implants that are softer and more prone to breakage. Faith expressed her excitement about concluding this long journey, emphasizing that life with implants is significantly easier than with regular dentures. She maintains her dental hygiene routine diligently, brushing twice daily and using a water pick to ensure cleanliness around her implants.


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