Sep 6, 2024, 10:19 AM
Sep 6, 2024, 10:19 AM

EU urges Kosovo and Serbia to resume normalization talks

  • Miroslav Lajcak, the EU envoy, visited Pristina to encourage Kosovo and Serbia to advance normalization talks.
  • The normalization process has stalled due to tensions, including a violent incident last September and Kosovo's recent actions against Serbian institutions.
  • The EU and the US are urging both sides to implement agreements, as these talks are essential for their EU membership paths.

The European Union envoy for the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, visited Pristina, Kosovo, urging both Kosovo and Serbia to enhance their normalization talks, which are crucial for their EU membership aspirations. Lajcak met with Kosovo's Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi, emphasizing the importance of implementing previously reached agreements between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Despite the ongoing tensions, Lajcak's mandate has been extended until January to facilitate further discussions. The normalization talks have faced significant challenges, particularly after a violent incident last September that resulted in four deaths. The EU and the United States are pressing both nations to adhere to their commitments, as the lack of progress has raised concerns about potential inter-ethnic conflicts. NATO-led KFOR peacekeepers have increased their presence along the Kosovo-Serbia border to maintain stability. Tensions have escalated recently, with Kosovo authorities closing parallel institutions in the north, where many ethnic Serbs reside. Prime Minister Kurti's calls for reopening a bridge in Mitrovica have drawn criticism from Western powers, fearing it could exacerbate ethnic tensions. Additionally, Kosovo's unilateral closure of Serbian bank branches has further strained relations. As Kosovo prepares for parliamentary elections on February 9, the political landscape remains uncertain. The elections will serve as a critical test for Kurti's governing party, which previously won a significant victory in 2021. The ongoing normalization talks and the political climate will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Kosovo-Serbia relations.


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