Aug 19, 2024, 3:11 PM
Aug 19, 2024, 3:11 PM

Labour Must Act on Brexit Plans

  • Keir Starmer's promise of a Brexit reset faces obstacles as Labour hesitates on rejoining the single market and customs union.
  • Professor Anand Menon warns that delays in Labour's Brexit plans will complicate the process and hinder economic benefits.
  • Labour's stance on Brexit may impact UK-EU relations, raising concerns about the effectiveness of the party's strategy.

The UK government's latest agenda to improve relations with the European Union (EU) is fraught with challenges, as many proposed steps appear complex and may yield limited economic benefits. The government aims to negotiate a veterinary agreement, facilitate touring artists, and establish a mutual recognition agreement for professional qualifications. However, the feasibility of these objectives remains uncertain, particularly given the technical difficulties stemming from the UK's departure from the EU and Labour's stance against rejoining the single market or customs union. While the EU may be open to discussions on a veterinary agreement, the negotiations are expected to be arduous. Political will could potentially ease some technical issues, but current indications suggest a lack of optimism. Additionally, although Brussels has expressed interest in an agreement on youth mobility, the UK government's response has been less than encouraging, further complicating the negotiation landscape. The anticipated economic impact of these agreements is likely to be modest. While mutual recognition could simplify professional mobility, it will not eliminate the significant barriers to service provision created by Brexit. This is particularly relevant in the context of Northern Ireland, where reducing border friction is a priority. However, the agricultural sector's contribution to the UK economy remains limited, accounting for only 0.6% of GDP in 2022, raising questions about the government's choice of ambitious targets that may not yield substantial benefits.


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