Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM

Comics with Health Challenges at Edinburgh Fringe

  • Comedians with chronic health issues reflect on their experience at the Edinburgh Fringe festival.
  • Performers share the challenges of the festival's demanding pace while dealing with health conditions.
  • Despite health struggles, these comics showcase resilience and humor on stage.

In a candid exploration of personal challenges, comedian Gilligan shares her experience with fibromyalgia and the emotional toll it takes on her life and performances. During her show "Goldfish," she delves into the complexities of memory loss and the painful moments of having her struggles dismissed, including a significant violation she faced in the comedy world. Gilligan's journey highlights the unpredictability of her condition, particularly during the luteal phase of her cycle, which brings debilitating symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Humphries, another performer, reflects on his own battles with sobriety and the fear associated with the festival scene, which he once linked to partying. With the support of friends and a network of sober individuals, he has found a way to navigate these challenges. He emphasizes the importance of community and reaching out for help, which has been crucial in his recovery journey. Both comedians prioritize self-care, with Gilligan focusing on rest and managing her energy as a vital resource. Despite the difficulties, she finds joy in performing, using comedy as an escape from her symptoms. Humphries, now experiencing a phase of upliftment, acknowledges the struggle but has learned to recognize his feelings as temporary symptoms rather than permanent states. As they reflect on their journeys, both Gilligan and Humphries express a sense of pride in overcoming their fears and continuing to share their stories through comedy, shedding light on the often-hidden struggles many face.


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