Sep 8, 2024, 3:53 PM
Sep 8, 2024, 3:53 PM

St Andrews students mark new term at East Sands in fog

  • Hundreds of students at the University of St Andrews celebrated the start of the Martinmas semester by wearing red gowns and walking to East Sands beach.
  • The event, known as the Pier Walk, took a different route this year due to the closure of the pier after significant storm damage.
  • This tradition emphasizes the university's rich history and the importance of community among students.

On Monday, hundreds of students from the University of St Andrews participated in a historic tradition to mark the beginning of the Martinmas semester. Despite the dense haar, a thick mist from the North Sea, students donned their red gowns and walked along the harbour walls and down to East Sands beach. This year's event, known as the Pier Walk, took a different route due to the closure of the pier, which suffered £3 million in damages from storms in October 2023. The procession began at St Salvator's Chapel, where students gathered before passing the cathedral on their way to the beach. This tradition is one of the oldest at the university, symbolizing the start of a new academic term. The Pier Walk has been a cherished event for generations, fostering a sense of community and continuity among students. The gathering not only celebrates the new semester but also serves as a reminder of the university's rich history and the bonds formed during student life. The event is particularly significant as it connects current students with the legacy of their predecessors. Notably, the University of St Andrews has a long-standing tradition of notable alumni, including Prince William and Kate Middleton, who met while studying there in 2001. The resilience of the students in the face of challenging weather conditions highlights their commitment to maintaining traditions, even when circumstances change.


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