Aug 22, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 22, 2024, 12:00 AM

International Court to Begin Climate Change Hearings in December

  • The International Court of Justice will hold oral arguments for its climate change opinion in December.
  • The court's decision on climate change is set to be a significant event in December.
  • Experts are preparing to present arguments on climate change before the International Court.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has scheduled oral arguments for its advisory opinion on climate change to commence on December 2, 2024. This opinion, requested by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on March 29, 2023, will explore the legal obligations of states in mitigating climate change impacts. Although the advisory opinion will not be legally binding, it is expected to influence the development of sustainability and climate-related laws globally. The UNGA's inquiry specifically seeks to clarify the responsibilities of states under international law regarding the protection of the climate system and the environment from human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. The ICJ has invited member states and international organizations to submit written statements to contribute to the legal discourse surrounding this critical issue. However, participation has been limited, as many states opted not to file statements, following the Court's guidance discouraging excessive submissions. Only those countries and parties that have submitted written statements will be permitted to present oral arguments during the proceedings. The complexity of the case suggests that the ICJ may take until late 2025 to issue its final opinion. This advisory opinion is anticipated to play a significant role in shaping international climate policy and the legal frameworks that govern environmental protection efforts in the years to come.


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