Sep 4, 2024, 9:00 PM
Sep 4, 2024, 9:00 PM

Glasgow Warriors captain Kyle Steyn prepares for URC challenges

  • Glasgow Warriors were honored at a civic reception in the City Chambers on Wednesday, celebrating their URC trophy win.
  • Franco Smith, players, and staff attended the event, where poet Jim Carruth read a poem commemorating their victory.
  • The reception highlighted the team's role as community ambassadors and set the stage for the upcoming season's challenges.

On Wednesday, Glasgow Warriors took a moment to reflect on their previous season's achievements during a civic reception held at the City Chambers. The event celebrated the team's remarkable success, particularly their dramatic victory in the URC, which was highlighted by the presence of the trophy. Franco Smith, the head coach, along with his players and the administrative staff, were honored guests at this gathering. The lord provost, Jacqueline McLaren, presided over the event, emphasizing the significance of the Warriors' accomplishments to the local community. The evening featured a reading by Jim Carruth, Glasgow's poet laureate, who presented a poem titled 'Whatever it takes,' inspired by the team's thrilling win against the Bulls in Pretoria. This recognition not only acknowledged the Warriors' sporting excellence but also their role as ambassadors for the city. The event served to strengthen the bond between the team and its supporters, highlighting the importance of community in sports. As the new season approaches, Kyle Steyn, the Warriors' captain, is focused on the challenges that lie ahead. The team aims to build on their previous success while welcoming more fans to Scotstoun. The reception was a reminder of the pride and unity that the Warriors bring to Glasgow, reinforcing their status as a key part of the local culture. In conclusion, the recognition received by the Glasgow Warriors at the civic reception underscores the impact of sports on community spirit and the importance of celebrating achievements that resonate beyond the field.


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