Aug 11, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 11, 2024, 12:00 AM

JD Vance Says Tim Walz Knew About Iraq

  • CNN's Dana Bash interviewed JD Vance about Tim Walz's knowledge of Iraq.
  • JD Vance clarified that Tim Walz was aware of his deployment to Iraq based on information presented.
  • The interaction showcases a fact-checking moment in the political landscape.

In a recent interview, Vance accused Minnesota Congressman Tim Walz of dishonesty regarding his retirement from the National Guard prior to his unit's deployment to Iraq. Vance asserted that Walz was aware of the impending deployment when he chose to retire, contradicting Walz's claim that he was unaware of any such plans. Vance pointed out that Walz retired two months before the official announcement of the deployment, suggesting that he had prior knowledge of the situation. Criticism has mounted against Walz, particularly in light of reports indicating he retired just before his unit was mobilized for service in Iraq. An archived press release from Walz's 2005 campaign revealed that the National Guard had announced a potential mobilization of troops, including Walz's battalion, within a two-year timeframe. This has raised questions about Walz's decision to retire, given his previous experience in the National Guard, including an eight-month deployment during Operation Enduring Freedom. When confronted about his unit's possible deployment, Walz stated he could not confirm specifics but emphasized his commitment to serving his country, whether in Washington, D.C., or Iraq. He expressed pride in his role as Command Sergeant Major, highlighting his responsibility to prepare his battalion for deployment. Despite the controversy surrounding his retirement, Walz expressed gratitude for the support of his constituents and his wife, indicating that they would play a significant role in his campaign efforts. Ultimately, Walz retired from military service while his unit was subsequently deployed to Iraq, leaving his actions under scrutiny as the political landscape evolves.


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