Aug 15, 2024, 4:14 AM
Aug 15, 2024, 4:14 AM

Ashy Bines Shares Heartbreaking News After Brain Surgery

  • Gold Coast influencer Ashy Bines shares devastating news after brain surgery.
  • Doctors find a second aneurysm during the procedure.
  • It has been a challenging and emotional journey for Ashy Bines.

Gold Coast influencer Ashy Bines, 35, has shared her emotional journey following brain surgery to remove an aneurysm, only to learn that a second aneurysm was discovered during the procedure. Initially diagnosed in March after experiencing sudden vision loss, Bines underwent surgery in August, where doctors successfully removed the first aneurysm but were unable to address the second one. In a heartfelt Instagram video, she expressed her devastation over the news and the likelihood of needing another surgery before the year ends. Bines conveyed her struggle with the recovery process, admitting that it has been more challenging than she anticipated. She revealed that she had been awake for nearly 28 hours straight post-surgery, highlighting the physical and emotional toll of her condition. Despite her distress, she emphasized her gratitude for the medical team's ability to identify both aneurysms, acknowledging the potential fatal risks associated with such conditions. The influencer previously shared her health scare with fans, detailing her alarming experiences of temporary sight loss, which prompted her to seek medical attention. Bines has been open about her family's history with aneurysms, particularly referencing her husband Steve's past surgery for a significant aneurysm. Throughout this ordeal, she has received unwavering support from her husband and their two children, Taj and Tala, who have been by her side during her hospital stay.


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