Sep 9, 2024, 7:50 PM
Sep 9, 2024, 7:50 PM

Israel’s starvation tactics in Palestine: a tool of occupation

  • A UN report indicates that Israel's actions have led to severe food shortages in Gaza, with 80% of the population facing catastrophic hunger by December 2023.
  • The report highlights that famine is a preventable, man-made issue, exacerbated by Israel's decades-long occupation and recent blockade.
  • The ongoing starvation campaign is viewed as a tactic of control, with lasting effects on the Palestinian population and future generations.

A top UN adviser has reported that Israel's actions in Gaza are creating conditions resembling famine, with 80% of the population experiencing catastrophic hunger by December 2023. This situation stems from decades of occupation, which has led to widespread food insecurity, with half of Gaza's residents already food insecure before the current siege began. The report emphasizes that famine is a man-made issue, often used as a tactic of displacement and control by powerful entities. Israel's blockade, which began in October 2023, has been described as a deliberate starvation campaign, with the Israeli government openly admitting to blocking food supplies. The consequences of this campaign are expected to be long-lasting, affecting not only the current population but also future generations. The report warns that if the occupation continues, Israel will maintain its ability to inflict starvation on Palestinians, undermining their food sovereignty and further entrenching their dependency on Israeli aid.


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