Sep 3, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 3, 2024, 12:00 AM

Hezbollah Thrives Amid Lebanon"s Economic Collapse

  • Lebanon's economy has collapsed by approximately 98%, marking one of the most severe crises in modern history.
  • Hezbollah operates outside the traditional banking system, maintaining financial independence and thriving through its own network.
  • Iran supports Hezbollah financially, providing hundreds of millions annually, which contributes to Hezbollah's stability amid Lebanon's economic collapse.

Lebanon is experiencing one of the most severe economic crises globally, with the World Bank highlighting its unprecedented nature since the mid-19th century. The Lebanese economy has collapsed by approximately 98%, exacerbated by the influx of millions of Syrian refugees fleeing a devastating civil war and economic collapse in their own country. Hezbollah, however, has managed to thrive amidst this turmoil, operating outside the traditional banking system. Its financial network is not connected to other Lebanese banks, allowing it to maintain a degree of independence from the global financial system. This has enabled Hezbollah to run exchange houses and access dollars through its extensive connections in Iraq and Iran. Iran, with a GDP exceeding $400 billion, provides Hezbollah with financial support amounting to a couple of hundred million dollars annually, further solidifying the group's financial stability. As Lebanon's economy continues to deteriorate, Hezbollah's resilience raises questions about the future of the country and the implications for its political landscape.


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