Aug 23, 2024, 10:42 AM
Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM

Macron Meets Party Leaders to Choose New Prime Minister

  • Emmanuel Macron to consult with party leaders for the selection of a new Prime Minister.
  • Meetings with party leaders from all represented parties starting on Friday.
  • Decision on the Prime Minister appointment expected fairly quickly after the meetings.

Seven weeks after calling for snap elections aimed at clarifying France's political landscape, President Emmanuel Macron is poised to appoint a new prime minister, a constitutional requirement. Following a brief return from vacation on August 22, Macron is set to engage with leaders from various political parties to discuss the appointment. These meetings, scheduled for August 23 and August 26, are expected to provide clarity on the political situation and potentially restore a sense of unity among France's divided political factions. The meetings will commence with leftist parties, including La France Insoumise, the Socialists, the Greens, and the Communists, who will be represented by Lucie Castets, their candidate for prime minister. Macron's coalition, led by outgoing Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, will follow, with discussions taking place over lunch at the Elysée Palace. This gathering has been humorously likened to an all-inclusive resort experience by one attendee, highlighting the informal yet significant nature of these discussions. Subsequent meetings will involve the conservative Les Républicains and other independent groups, culminating in discussions with key parliamentary leaders, including Assemblée President Yaël Braun-Pivet and Sénat President Gérard Larcher. These consultations are crucial, especially given Macron's previous oversight in not consulting parliamentary leaders before the dissolution of the Assemblée Nationale, which has contributed to the current political tension. The outcome of these meetings will be pivotal in shaping the future of Macron's government and its ability to navigate the challenges ahead.


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