Sep 11, 2024, 10:45 AM
Sep 11, 2024, 10:45 AM

Pakistan launches ride-sharing service for transgender safety

  • SheDrives, a ride-sharing service for transgender individuals and women, was launched in Lahore, Pakistan.
  • The service aims to provide a safe transportation option for those facing discrimination and harassment.
  • This initiative reflects ongoing efforts to improve the rights and safety of the transgender community in Pakistan.

In Lahore, Pakistan, a new ride-sharing service named SheDrives has been launched specifically for the transgender community and women. This initiative aims to provide a safer transportation option for individuals who often face discrimination and harassment in public spaces. The service is designed to cater exclusively to women and transgender individuals, with both drivers and passengers belonging to these groups. The vehicles will feature pink logos to help users identify them easily. The launch of SheDrives comes amid ongoing challenges faced by the transgender community in Pakistan, where they are frequently marginalized and subjected to violence. With an estimated 30,000 transgender individuals in Lahore alone, the need for safe transportation options is critical. The service is a response to the broader societal issues that trans people encounter, including abuse and social exclusion. In recent years, Pakistan has taken steps to improve the rights and welfare of transgender individuals, including establishing a hotline connected to police and the Ministry of Human Rights, and opening the first government-run school for transgender students. However, these advancements have met with resistance from conservative factions within society, highlighting the ongoing struggle for acceptance and recognition. The founder of SheDrives, Ammaz Farooqi, expressed optimism about the future, believing that this initiative is a small but significant step towards inclusivity. The potential for expansion to other cities indicates a growing recognition of the need for safe spaces for marginalized communities in Pakistan.


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