Sep 13, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 13, 2024, 12:00 AM

Germany Is Considering Ending Asylum Entirely

  • Germany will impose border closures for six months starting September 16, 2023, affecting all nine borders with neighboring countries.
  • The government cites illegal migration and security threats as reasons for these measures, while opposition parties demand even stricter asylum policies.
  • These actions may undermine Germany's commitment to international asylum obligations and could have broader implications for EU migration norms.

In September 2023, the German government announced a significant policy shift by imposing unilateral border closures for six months on all nine of its borders with neighboring countries, including eight EU members. This decision comes amid rising pressures from the center-right opposition, which is advocating for even stricter measures that could effectively halt new asylum applications in Germany. The government justifies these actions as necessary to combat illegal migration and address security concerns related to terrorism and crime. The new border controls are expected to return migrants to the country where they first entered the Schengen area, typically southern EU nations like Greece or Italy. This approach raises serious questions about Germany's commitment to international asylum obligations, as it would limit the ability of individuals fleeing persecution to seek refuge in Germany. Critics argue that these measures represent a disproportionate breach of the Schengen principle of free movement and could trigger a broader decline in EU norms regarding asylum and migration. Experts have expressed skepticism about the government's ability to substantiate claims of internal security threats that would justify such drastic measures. The EU's recent Pact on Migration and Asylum aims to streamline processes for asylum seekers and address concerns raised by member states, including Germany. However, the current actions may undermine the collaborative spirit intended by this pact. As the situation unfolds, the implications of Germany's border closures could resonate throughout Europe, potentially leading to a 'race to the bottom' in terms of asylum rights and protections, challenging the foundational principles of the EU itself.


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