Sep 11, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 11, 2024, 12:00 AM

Employers Boost Employee Health for Productivity and Savings

  • Employers are focusing on employee health to improve productivity and lower healthcare costs, especially as chronic diseases are prevalent.
  • Digital platforms like Microsoft Teams are being utilized to provide continuous health support and track health data.
  • By addressing barriers to care and integrating health solutions, employers can enhance employee wellbeing and drive better health outcomes.

Employers are increasingly recognizing the importance of supporting employee health to enhance productivity and reduce healthcare costs. With over half of U.S. adults suffering from chronic diseases, there is a growing focus on behavior change and continuous support for employees. Digital platforms, such as Microsoft Teams, are being leveraged to provide this support, allowing employees to track health data, set reminders, and access health information conveniently during their workday. Integration of health solutions is crucial for improving outcomes. For instance, combining mental health support with chronic care has shown significant benefits, including better glucose levels and weight loss. Employers are also addressing barriers to care by implementing virtual solutions and ensuring a seamless experience for employees, which helps mitigate point-solution fatigue. Reynolds Consumer Products exemplifies this approach by partnering with Teladoc Health to tackle diabetes-related costs and improve health outcomes. They have taken proactive steps, such as covering pharmacy costs for diabetes medications, to encourage employee participation and enhance overall wellbeing. As the benefits landscape evolves, employers are adapting their strategies to provide real value to their employees. By focusing on health and wellness initiatives, they not only improve employee satisfaction but also contribute to a healthier workforce, ultimately leading to reduced healthcare expenses and increased productivity.


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