Sep 6, 2024, 6:30 AM
Sep 6, 2024, 6:30 AM

Chicago columnist prefers ousting Netanyahu over Hamas

  • Neil Steinberg, a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, expressed a preference for ousting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu over Hamas.
  • He criticized both Israeli and Palestinian leadership for their ineffective approaches to the ongoing conflict.
  • Steinberg concluded that a reevaluation of strategies is necessary for a potential resolution to the conflict.

In a recent column for the Chicago Sun-Times, Neil Steinberg expressed a controversial opinion regarding the ongoing conflict in Gaza. He stated that he would prefer to see Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu removed from power rather than the terror group Hamas. Steinberg argued that Netanyahu represents a more destructive force in the region, particularly in light of the recent violence that has resulted in significant loss of life. He emphasized that the leadership on both sides is failing to address the underlying issues, leading to continued suffering and conflict. Steinberg criticized the Palestinian leadership for treating Israel as a military problem, a strategy that has historically failed. He pointed out that the Palestinians have been unable to achieve their goals over the past 50 years, resulting in a loss of land and increased hardship. He also condemned the Israeli perspective, which he believes views Palestinians merely as a management issue rather than a moral imperative that requires urgent action. The columnist highlighted the need for both sides to recognize the futility of their current approaches. He noted that the Palestinian chant of "from the river to the sea" is counterproductive, as it fosters a delusion of military capability against Israel's strong military. Steinberg acknowledged the Palestinians' right to resist but cautioned that violence has not led to successful outcomes. Ultimately, he called for a reevaluation of strategies by both Israeli and Palestinian leaders, suggesting that a solution to the conflict lies in their hands. He believes that a change in leadership and approach is essential for any hope of peace in the region.


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