Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM

Sen. Daines Promises Immediate Action on Trump’s No Tax on Tips Policy

  • Sen. Steve Daines confirms Republicans' support for Trump's no tax on tips policy.
  • There is readiness within the GOP to implement the policy immediately.
  • Republicans show unity with Trump on the issue of tip taxation.

BELGRADE, Montana — In a recent interview with Breitbart News, Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, expressed strong support for former President Donald Trump’s proposed policy of eliminating taxes on tips. Daines emphasized that this initiative would provide relief to the working class, particularly in light of the current economic challenges, including high inflation. He argued that not taxing tips would incentivize more individuals to enter the workforce, especially in service-oriented sectors like hospitality and transportation. Daines highlighted the growing popularity of the no tax on tips policy, noting that patrons have begun writing messages on restaurant receipts urging wait staff to support Trump. He asserted that this policy not only benefits workers in states like Nevada but could also have a positive impact nationwide. Daines positioned the Republican Party as the champion of the working class, contrasting it with Democrats, who he claims lack a genuine commitment to this issue. The senator also discussed the legislative readiness of Republicans to implement this policy, stating that they have prepared bills in both the Senate and House. He criticized Democratic lawmakers, such as Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto and Vice President Kamala Harris, for their lack of actionable plans regarding the taxation of tips. Daines confirmed his intention to introduce the no tax on tips bill, indicating that the Republicans are poised to act swiftly should they regain control of Congress in the upcoming elections.


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