Aug 12, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 12, 2024, 12:00 AM

McCarthy Advises Trump on Campaign Focus

  • Former Republican House speaker, Kevin McCarthy, advises Donald Trump to focus on policies during the campaign.
  • McCarthy suggests Trump to shift attention from crowd sizes to discussing important policies for the race.
  • The advice highlights the importance of emphasizing substantive issues over superficial aspects in the political arena.

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has called on Donald Trump to shift his campaign strategy away from personal attacks and focus on the policies of Vice President Kamala Harris. In an interview with Fox News, McCarthy emphasized the importance of discussing Harris's record, particularly her tenure as California Attorney General and her role in border management. He urged Trump to question her positions rather than the size of her rally crowds. This appeal comes in response to Trump’s recent comments questioning the authenticity of the crowd at Harris's rally in Detroit, Michigan. Trump accused Harris of using artificial intelligence to fabricate images of large crowds, claiming that the turnout was minimal. He took to his Truth Social platform to label Harris a "CHEATER" and insisted that the crowd depicted in a photograph shared by her campaign was non-existent. In defense of her campaign, Harris's team quickly responded to Trump's allegations, asserting that the photograph in question accurately represented a crowd of approximately 15,000 attendees. They criticized Trump for not engaging in active campaigning in swing states, suggesting that his focus on crowd sizes reflects a lack of energy in his campaign. As the presidential race intensifies, McCarthy's comments highlight a growing concern among some Republicans about the effectiveness of personal attacks versus substantive policy discussions in appealing to voters.


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