Aug 15, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 15, 2024, 12:00 AM

Peacock Pete Captured in Cape Cod

  • A peacock named Pete was captured after being on the loose in Cape Cod, Mass.
  • Animal control officials successfully returned Pete to his home after several days.
  • Residents of Cape Cod can now rest easy knowing Pete is safe and sound.

Cape Cod, Mass. – A peacock named Pete has been safely returned to his home after several days of roaming free in the Harwich area, according to local animal control officials. The bird was reported missing after being "chased off his property" on Sunday, leading to multiple sightings in the Cahoon Lane neighborhood. Residents in the area contributed to Pete's extended stay by providing him with food, which kept him from returning home. Harwich Animal Control noted that while this kindness was well-intentioned, it complicated efforts to capture the peacock. They explained that peacocks typically return home if not fed elsewhere, and catching them can be challenging due to their ability to fly and the potential harm that trapping could cause. After days of concern and efforts to locate him, animal control announced on Thursday morning that Pete had been successfully captured by his owners. In a light-hearted update, they confirmed that he was back in his coop, reunited with his companion, and "grounded" for his escapade. The incident highlights the challenges of managing free-roaming animals and the importance of responsible pet ownership, especially in communities where wildlife and domestic animals coexist.


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