Aug 12, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 12, 2024, 12:00 AM

ICRC Warns of Violations in Gaza and Ukraine

  • International Red Cross warns of violations of Geneva Conventions in Gaza and Ukraine.
  • ICRC emphasizes the importance of not normalizing violations of international humanitarian law.
  • Noting 120 global conflicts, ICRC calls attention to the seriousness of the situation.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has issued a call for renewed respect for the Geneva Conventions as they celebrate their 75th anniversary. The ICRC highlights that ongoing conflicts in regions such as Gaza, Ukraine, Syria, and Myanmar demonstrate a troubling disregard for these international treaties, which are designed to govern the conduct of war. ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric emphasized the need for a global recommitment to international humanitarian law, stating that the conventions are essential for protecting life rather than justifying death. In a statement, the ICRC noted that the Geneva Conventions have played a crucial role in safeguarding human dignity during times of conflict. They prohibit torture and sexual violence, mandate humane treatment of detainees, and require efforts to locate missing persons. Spoljaric remarked that these rules reflect a global consensus on the limits of warfare, warning against the dehumanization of both combatants and civilians, which can lead to catastrophic consequences. The ICRC pointed out that the number of active conflicts worldwide has surged to over 120, a significant increase since the conventions' 50th anniversary in 1999. Modern warfare has become increasingly perilous due to advancements in technology and the urbanization of conflict, alongside a troubling trend of labeling adversaries as "terrorists," which exacerbates dehumanization. The organization stressed that violations of the conventions, such as attacks on medical facilities and the targeting of civilians, must not be normalized. Accusations of breaches are prevalent in current conflicts, with the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory alleging that Israel has violated multiple provisions of the UN Genocide Conventions amid its ongoing military actions in Gaza.


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