Aug 18, 2024, 9:39 PM
Aug 16, 2024, 12:27 PM

Democrats declining in rural Wyoming

  • Democrats facing extinction in rural Wyoming due to Republican dominance.
  • Primary election law in Wyoming further reducing Democrats' influence.
  • Republicans concentrated in Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming, pushing Democrats to the fringes.

In a striking trend, Democrats now represent less than 3% of registered voters in three counties across the United States, a slight increase from one county in 2020 but a decrease from seven in 2016. Niobrara County, Wyoming, stands out as the least-populated county in the least-populated state, where only 32 Democrats remain, accounting for just 2.6% of the electorate. This makes them the most outnumbered by Republicans among the 30 states that monitor local party affiliation, according to Associated Press election data. Wyoming's political landscape has become increasingly dominated by Republicans, particularly following the passage of a law that complicates the process of changing party affiliation. This legislation, enacted by a legislature where the GOP holds over 90% of the seats, prohibits voters from altering their party registration in the three months leading up to the August primary. As a result, the upcoming primaries will be the first in modern history where voters cannot change their party affiliation at the polls. In Niobrara County, the absence of Democratic candidates in the primaries highlights the party's dwindling presence. Local resident Becky Blackburn, who supports her LGBTQ+ daughter, expressed frustration over the political climate, noting that the lack of diversity in party representation undermines the government’s ability to serve all constituents. Fellow resident Diercks echoed this sentiment, warning that a focus on party purity could lead to a further erosion of political diversity. As the political divide deepens, Blackburn remains resolute in her identity and beliefs, stating, “I am who I am, and I have the views that I have,” emphasizing her commitment to authenticity despite potential backlash.


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