Aug 13, 2024, 11:38 PM
Aug 13, 2024, 11:38 PM

TikTok Comedians Take the Stage at Edinburgh Fringe

  • A group of TikTokers who honed their comedy skills online are performing at the Edinburgh Fringe festival.
  • These content creators are transitioning from the digital world to live comedy, showcasing their talent in person.
  • TikTok has empowered them to bring their content from the virtual realm to the real stage.

A growing number of performers who gained popularity on social media platforms are taking their acts to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, seeking to connect with live audiences. One such performer, Courtney, expressed her excitement about transitioning from online to live settings, stating that the online platform allowed her to experiment in a safer environment. Now, she is eager to engage directly with audiences, contrasting the impersonal nature of online reactions with the immediacy of live performances. Despite the enthusiasm, some performers face skepticism regarding their online origins. Courtney acknowledged a sense of insecurity among those who have built their careers on social media, feeling the need to prove their worth in traditional venues. She emphasized that cultivating a following requires significant time, patience, and talent, countering the notion that online success diminishes the value of live performance. Chris, another performer who began sharing content during the pandemic, echoed Courtney's sentiments, noting that social media helped him gain confidence and attract nearly 600,000 followers. Conversely, Abi Clarke, who started her career in stand-up before transitioning to social media, highlighted the necessity of adapting to the digital landscape, even if it wasn't her initial intention. Clarke pointed out the unique challenges of live performances, where the audience is unpredictable, unlike the targeted reach of social media. She stressed the importance of ensuring that live shows resonate with a diverse audience, underscoring the need for respect for the live genre amidst the evolving entertainment landscape.


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