Aug 17, 2024, 11:01 PM
Aug 17, 2024, 11:01 PM

Teenage Cycling Trip Along the Seine

  • A mother's dream of a 260-mile cycling trip along the Seine route.
  • Teens involved in the trip didn't quite follow the planned itinerary.
  • The cycling journey turns out to be a memorable experience despite the unexpected turns.

A recent family cycling trip through France highlighted the contrasting dynamics of traveling with teenagers versus older parents. The author, eager to tackle a 260-mile cycling route, envisioned a smooth journey akin to previous flat rides in the Netherlands. However, with their daughters now aged 16 and 14, the pace of the trip slowed significantly, prompting the teens to establish their own ground rules, including the use of earbuds and a firm decision to skip additional sightseeing. As the family navigated the route, they encountered challenges, including a busy stretch of road that required a detour through a forested path, led by the younger daughter. Despite the obstacles, the journey was filled with moments of joy, such as the elder daughter singing along to her playlist, creating a carefree atmosphere as they cycled through picturesque fields. The trip also included a brief stop at the Fondation Monet, although the author could only admire the site from a distance. Ultimately, the trip served as a reminder of the evolving nature of family vacations. While the daughters may have been more interested in the comforts of room service than the cycling adventure itself, their participation brought a sense of pride to the author. Accommodations along the route were available, with options ranging from £88 to £115, making the cycling experience accessible for families looking to explore the scenic landscapes of France.


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