Sep 3, 2024, 11:30 AM
Sep 3, 2024, 11:30 AM

IQM achieves record 99.9% qubit fidelity in quantum processor tests

  • IQM Quantum Computers in Finland achieved 99.9% fidelity in two-qubit gate operations, indicating high accuracy in quantum calculations.
  • The researchers recorded T1 and T2 coherence times of 0.964 milliseconds and 1.155 milliseconds, respectively, allowing qubits to maintain their quantum state for nearly a millisecond.
  • These advancements bring fault-tolerant quantum computing closer to reality, paving the way for more practical and stable quantum computers.

Researchers at IQM Quantum Computers in Finland have made significant advancements in quantum computing by achieving a remarkable 99.9% fidelity in two-qubit gate operations. This milestone indicates a high level of accuracy in quantum operations, which is crucial for reducing errors in calculations. Additionally, the team recorded impressive coherence times, with a T1 relaxation time of 0.964 milliseconds and a T2 dephasing time of 1.155 milliseconds, allowing qubits to maintain their quantum state for nearly a millisecond. These achievements are pivotal in the pursuit of fault-tolerant quantum computing, where errors can be automatically corrected. The ability to generate entangled states through high fidelity in two-qubit gates is essential for the development of more practical quantum computers. Quantum entanglement, a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, allows for interconnected qubits that can influence each other regardless of distance. The significance of IQM's results is underscored by the fact that few organizations have reached comparable performance levels in quantum processor tests. The advancements in both fidelity and coherence times suggest that IQM is on a promising path toward creating stable and efficient quantum systems. As the field of quantum computing continues to evolve, these breakthroughs could lead to more reliable quantum devices, enhancing the potential for applications in various sectors, including cryptography, optimization, and complex simulations. The progress made by IQM represents a crucial step forward in realizing the full potential of quantum technology.


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