Aug 13, 2024, 9:23 PM
Aug 13, 2024, 9:23 PM

Arnold Schwarzenegger's FUBAR Accused of Stealing App Idea

  • Former rock star claims FUBAR show stole his planned app idea.
  • Aharon Jason Curtis demands $1.5 million in compensation.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger's hit Netflix series faces allegations of idea theft.

In a developing legal dispute, entrepreneur Curtis claims that the action series "FUBAR," featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger, has appropriated his app concept without permission. Curtis, 54, alleges that the idea for the Aisle app, which he developed, was shared only with a manager and a friend, both of whom have since transitioned into writing for film and television. He expressed his shock upon discovering the app's resemblance in the series, prompting him to seek $1.5 million in compensation. Curtis's attorney, Edward Johnson, has formally communicated with Netflix, Skydance Television, and Blackjack Films, asserting that the app featured in "FUBAR" is a direct copy of Curtis's original concept. In his statement, Curtis recounted his disbelief when he first viewed the show, stating, "That’s my idea, I wrote that! That’s my app!" His legal team has indicated a willingness to settle the matter without litigation, provided their financial demands are met. In response, Skydance's attorney, Jampol, has dismissed Curtis's claims, arguing that he has not developed the app in a tangible form and that the series was produced by Skydance, not Netflix. Jampol further contended that Curtis has not established a direct connection between his confidants and Skydance, which is necessary for a copyright claim. He also noted that similar app concepts already exist, suggesting that there are no trade secrets involved. Despite these rebuttals, Curtis's lawyer maintains that Skydance's legal team has not adequately countered the allegations, leaving the door open for potential court action if a resolution is not reached.


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