Jul 29, 2024, 11:05 PM
Jul 29, 2024, 11:05 PM

Powerhouse Repairs Restore Water Flow in Nevada County

  • A powerhouse near Lake Spaulding has completed emergency repairs two days ahead of schedule.
  • The restoration allows for water flow to agencies in both Nevada and Placer counties.
  • This successful completion marks a significant milestone for local utilities.

NEVADA COUNTY — After overcoming significant challenges, a powerhouse near Lake Spaulding has resumed operations, allowing water to flow to agencies in Nevada and Placer counties. Emergency repairs, which were completed two days ahead of schedule, have prompted local officials to request voluntary water conservation from residents. Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) spokesman Paul Moreno emphasized the urgency of the repairs, stating that crews worked tirelessly upon discovering damage at the powerhouse. While partial service has been restored, repairs on the South Yuba Pipe are still ongoing and are expected to take longer than initially planned. The pipe suffered damage from a rockslide in February, and adverse winter conditions delayed assessments and debris clearance until spring. Moreno noted that the situation was complicated further when the Forest Service withdrew specialized helicopters from the area for firefighting efforts, limiting the resources available for debris removal. Residents in the affected areas, such as Juan Thomas, report that individual households are not facing severe water shortages yet. However, agricultural users downstream are experiencing significant challenges due to the reduced water supply. The Nevada Irrigation District has highlighted the concerning drop in water levels, particularly at locations like Rollins Lake, raising alarms among local communities. Despite the restoration of water flow from the Spaulding 1 powerhouse, residents express concern over unprecedented low water levels, indicating ongoing challenges for both domestic and agricultural water users in the region.


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