Jul 15, 2024, 3:00 AM
Jul 15, 2024, 3:00 AM

Longlegs: A Horror Film with Occult Themes

  • The horror movie 'Longlegs' features an FBI agent tracking a serial killer in the 1990s.
  • The film hints at occult involvement, particularly themes of Satanism.
  • Nicolas Cage's role as the killer adds to the film's intrigue and fear factor.

In a recent discussion about a new horror film, critics highlighted the film's engaging side characters and moments of dread, which contributed to an overall enjoyable experience. However, some viewers felt that the pacing occasionally dragged, leading to moments that felt overly slow. While the film contained elements of suspense, it lacked the lingering fear that typically characterizes more impactful horror films like "Hereditary" and "Saint Maud." The film's conclusion attempts to tie together the narrative threads, providing clarity on the events that unfolded throughout. Critics noted that while the film is entertaining, it does not evoke the same level of fear that would prompt viewers to check their locks at night. The blend of horror and humor was appreciated, but some felt it diminished the film's potential to leave a lasting impression. A significant point of discussion was the performance of Nicolas Cage, who was noted for delivering a more controlled and fun portrayal reminiscent of his work in the 1990s. This performance added a unique flavor to the film, though it was suggested that it may have prevented the film from achieving the same level of psychological impact as classics like "The Exorcist." Overall, while the film offers a mix of thrills and laughs, it may not resonate as deeply with audiences seeking a truly haunting experience. Critics concluded that the film is a fun watch, but it ultimately falls short of becoming a memorable horror staple.


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