Aug 15, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 15, 2024, 12:00 AM

Concerns Over Differential Policing Response Highlighted by Former Home Secretary

  • Former home secretary James Cleverly emphasizes the importance of addressing concerns regarding 'differential policing response'.
  • Cleverly highlights the need for police to tackle issues related to two-tier policing.
  • Calls are made to address the raised concerns to ensure equal treatment and justice for all.

In a recent appearance on The Telegraph’s Daily T podcast, former Home Secretary James Cleverly expressed his concerns regarding the ongoing issue of "differential policing response" in the UK. He emphasized that this topic has been raised repeatedly, indicating a pressing need for police forces to address the perceived disparities in treatment among different communities. Cleverly noted that when Black communities voice their concerns about differential treatment, it is crucial for the police to take these claims seriously and respond appropriately. Cleverly pointed out that the perception of unequal policing is not limited to one demographic, suggesting that the police should not selectively acknowledge concerns based on the group expressing them. He stated, “We have heard too many times that people believe there is a differential policing response,” urging a deeper understanding of the reasons behind these beliefs. He highlighted the importance of addressing these perceptions to maintain public trust in law enforcement. Earlier this month, Cleverly also remarked on the existence of a perceived two-tier policing system, calling for critical questions to be posed to the government and police regarding operational practices. He warned that such perceptions could undermine public confidence in policing, a sentiment echoed by Neil Basu, a former head of UK counter-terrorism, who criticized Cleverly's comments as "divisive." Additionally, Cleverly raised concerns about the state of integration in the UK, reflecting on the country’s historical success in race relations and the need for renewed efforts in this area.


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