Sep 7, 2024, 1:14 PM
Sep 7, 2024, 1:14 PM

Mechelen’s swimming event: Record tickets sold

  • The swimming area in Mechelen has sold nearly 4,000 tickets this year, a significant increase from the previous year.
  • The project faced challenges, including environmental concerns related to PFAS, which delayed its opening.
  • The success of the swimming area reflects the city's commitment to enhancing recreational options for residents.

The swimming area in Mechelen has gained significant popularity since its inception in 2021, selling nearly 4,000 tickets this year, which is almost three times the amount sold last year. This increase in attendance reflects the city's ongoing efforts to enhance the recreational facilities available to residents. The city has implemented improvements annually, likely including better amenities and safety measures to attract more visitors. The project began as a test initiative due to high interest from local sports clubs and water sports enthusiasts. However, the establishment of the swimming area faced numerous challenges, particularly concerning environmental issues related to PFAS, which delayed its opening multiple times. The city’s Sports Team conducted extensive research to address these concerns, demonstrating a commitment to public health and safety. Despite the initial setbacks, Mechelen has emerged as a leader in creating public swimming spaces, being one of the first in the region to do so. The swimming area has been operational for three seasons, averaging 57 visitors daily this summer, indicating a strong community interest. Regular and occasional swimmers alike have come to value this space. The city has also ensured excellent water quality, which is regularly monitored and made available online for public access. This weekend, swimming will be free with prior online booking, further encouraging community participation. However, it is important to note that the Keerdok remains a non-swimming zone, with swimming prohibited after September 8.


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