Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM

Clark County Registrar to Investigate Voter Registrations at Commercial Addresses

  • Nevada County conducts investigation into voter registrations at various establishments.
  • Automatic mailing of ballots to registered addresses raises concerns.
  • Findings of the investigation are crucial for election integrity.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an election watchdog group, has withdrawn its lawsuit against Clark County Registrar Lorena Portillo after she agreed to investigate 90 voter registrations linked to commercial addresses, including vacant lots and fast-food restaurants. The foundation's representative, Bis, emphasized the need for election officials to be diligent in their oversight of these registrations. In a related development, Nevada’s Second Judicial Court denied a motion from Washoe County to dismiss another lawsuit by the foundation, which seeks to compel officials to investigate voters listing commercial addresses as their residences. The Clark County registrar's investigation revealed that 29 of the 90 addresses were confirmed as actual residences, while 19 require further research. Additionally, 16 addresses had already been identified and inactivated by the county. The foundation, representing two Nevada voters, had previously alerted election officials about the issue before the 2020 presidential election. After the county initially declined to investigate, the foundation filed a lawsuit in June to prompt action. The registrar's motion to dismiss highlighted that the investigation could not be completed before the June primary due to ongoing election activities. The findings from the investigation included various outcomes for the addresses, such as voided registrations and updates to voter information. The registrar's office expressed frustration over the timing of the foundation's request, noting that it coincided with the primary election period.


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