Aug 28, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 28, 2024, 12:00 AM

Graduation at Planet Money University with Economic Greats

  • The graduation event takes place on the lawn of Planet Money University, featuring renowned economic thinkers such as Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes.
  • The series includes a review of the last fifty years of economic history, questioning whether economics has improved life for everyone.
  • Listeners are encouraged to participate in a quiz to earn a personalized diploma and share their achievements on social media.

The graduation ceremony at Planet Money University is a unique gathering of some of the greatest minds in economics, including Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes. This event serves as a culmination of a series that explores economic principles while also providing life lessons from these historical figures. The setting is designed to engage listeners in a thoughtful discussion about the evolution of economic thought and its relevance today. The series takes a retrospective look at the last fifty years, examining significant human achievements and the role of economics in shaping modern life. It poses critical questions about the effectiveness of economic policies and whether they have genuinely improved the quality of life for the general population. This reflection aims to foster a deeper understanding of the relationship between economic theory and real-world outcomes. In addition to the discussions, the event encourages audience participation through a quiz that allows listeners to earn a personalized diploma. This interactive element not only enhances engagement but also promotes a sense of accomplishment among participants. Finally, attendees are invited to share their diplomas on social media, creating a community of learners who celebrate their educational journey together. This initiative highlights the importance of economics in everyday life and encourages ongoing dialogue about its impact on society.


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