Aug 9, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 9, 2024, 12:00 AM

L.A. Mayor Competes with Tax Incentives for Hollywood

  • L.A. Mayor Karen Bass aims to attract Hollywood by cutting red tape and offering business-friendly policies.
  • The move is a response to other cities offering tax incentives to draw Hollywood productions away from L.A.
  • Bass's approach mirrors Reagan-style policies to compete in the entertainment industry.

In a surprising alignment with Reaganomics, Democrat mayors and governors across the United States are offering tax incentives to attract movie and television productions. This approach mirrors former President Ronald Reagan's philosophy that reducing business taxes benefits the broader workforce. Ironically, while the entertainment industry often critiques the Reagan era, it simultaneously seeks the very tax breaks that it opposes for others. To maintain its competitive edge against cities offering similar incentives, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass has announced a new initiative aimed at streamlining production processes. The directive mandates city departments to appoint "film liaisons" to facilitate local production and permitting, ensuring a more efficient experience for filmmakers. Mayor Bass emphasized the importance of the entertainment sector to both the economy and the city's identity, pledging enhanced support to stabilize Hollywood. Deputy Mayor Rachel Freeman highlighted the necessity for Los Angeles to adopt a leadership role in retaining its signature industry. She pointed out that other markets are enhancing their competitiveness through tax incentives and improved local infrastructure, making it crucial for Los Angeles to act decisively to keep jobs and productions within the city. The underlying question remains: if tax incentives and reduced bureaucratic hurdles can effectively create and preserve jobs in Hollywood, why not apply the same strategy to all businesses in California? This situation raises concerns about the influence of the entertainment industry on political decisions, as significant campaign contributions from Hollywood may sway local leaders like Bass to adopt pro-business stances reminiscent of Reagan.


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